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Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Bhajan | Lyrics in Hindi with Meaning in English


Basically this is Bhajan Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in Sanskrit Language.

Original Basic Version: 

अच्युतं केशवं रामनारायणं
कृष्णदामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम् ।
श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं
जानकीनायकं रामचंद्रं भजे ॥

Meaning Basic Version:

अच्युतं केशवं राम नारायणं 
Acyutam Keshavam Raama-Naaraayannam
[Salute You O Acyuta (the Infallible One), I Salute You O Keshava (Who nominates and Controls everyone, Who has beautiful Hair and Who killed the demon Keshi), I Salute You O Rama the Incarnation of Narayana (Who is without any blemish)]

कृष्ण दामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम् ।
Krssnna-Daamodaram Vaasudevam Harim |
[Salute You O Krishna (Who attracts others by His Divine Attributes and Beauty) Who is known as Damodara (Who was tied by Mother Yashoda around the waist) , I Salute You O Vasudeva (Son of Vasudeva), I Salute You O Hari (Who takes away the Sins, Who Receives the Offerings of the Yajna)]

श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं 
Shrii-Dharam Maadhavam Gopikaa-Vallabham
[I Salute You O Sridhara (Who Bears Sri on His Chest), I Salute You O Madhava (Consort of Mahalakshmi), I Salute You Who was the Most Beloved of the Gopikas (the Cowherd Girls of Vrindavana)]

जानकी नायकं रामचंद्रं भजे ||
Jaanakii-Naayakam Raamacamdram Bhaje ||

[I Salute You O Ramachandra the Lord of Janaki]

Famous Version | Lyrics in Hindi with Meaning in English:

अच्चुतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं,
राम नारायणं जानकी बल्लभम।
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram,
Ram Narayanam Janki Vallabham।
[Different names of Krishna with different attributes – singing and repeating the different Names of God is spiritually elevating and increases devotion]

कौन कहता हे भगवान आते नहीं,
तुम मीरा के जैसे बुलाते नहीं।
Kaun Kehte Hai Bhagwan Aate Nahi,
Tum Meera Ke Jaise Bulate Nahi।
[Who says God does not arrive? You don’t call her like Meera! Meera’s love and devotion for Krishna is well-known and also Krishna’s response to the intense loving call]

कौन कहता है भगवान खाते नहीं,
बेर शबरी के जैसे खिलाते नहीं।
Kaun Kehte Hai Bhawan Khate Nahi,
Ber Shabri Ke Jaise Khilate Nahi।
[Who says God does not eat? You don’t feed her like Shabri fed! (Shabri’s long and loving await for Lord Rama and how Lord Rama accepted her food]

कौन कहता है भगवान सोते नहीं,
माँ यशोदा के जैसे सुलाते नहीं।
Kaun Kehte Hai Bhagwan Sote Nahi,
Maa Yashoda Ke Jaise Sulate Nahi।
[Who says God does not Sleep? You don’t make him sleep like Maa Yasoda did! It needs total love for Krishna and wanting to give Him rest and sleep]

कौन कहता है भगवान नाचते नहीं,
गोपियों की तरह तुम नचाते नहीं।
Kaun Kehte Hai Bhagwan Nachte Nahi,
Gopiyo Ke Jaise Tum Nachate Nahi।
[Who says God does not dance? You don’t make him dance like the Gopis!  The love of Gopis for Krishna is well-known, wherever they went, whatever they did, Krishna was on their heart and mind always]

नाम जपते चलो काम करते चलो,
हर समय कृष्ण का ध्यान करते चलो।
Naam Japte Chalo Kaam Karte Chalo,
Har Samay Krishna Ka Dhyan Dharte Chalo।
[Lets chant his name and do work always,
Lets concentrate on Krishna always]

याद आएगी उनको कभी ना कभी,
कृष्ण दर्शन तो देंगे कभी ना कभी।
Yaad Aayegi Unko Kabhi Na Kabhi,
Krishna Darshan to Denge Kabhi Na Kabhi।
[He will remember you sonner or latter
Krishna will definetly show you sonner or latter]

Related Songs:

1.  Complete Basic Version of  full bhajan Achyutashtakam Krishna Bhajan by Yesudas in Sanskrit

2. Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram by Vikram Hazra

3. Achyutam Kesavam | Shreya Ghoshal

4. Achyutam Keshavam by Anup Jalota

5. Achutam Keshavam - Kaun Kehte hai Bhagwan Aate nahi - Ankit Batra

6. Achyutam Keshavam krishna Mahalaxmi

7. Achyutam Keshavam- Bhajan by Nikita Daharwal

8. Nita Ambani dances to Krishna Bhajan Achyutam Keshavam

9. अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदर... जया किशोरी जी भजन

10. Achutam Keshavam by Sachin Limaye

11. अच्युतम् केशवम् साईं दामोदरम् | Achyutam Keshavam Sai Damodaram│Shailendra Bhartti


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