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AMH (ANTI-MULLERIAN HORMONE) Most Sensitive Marker of Ovarian Reserve

What is AMH?

AMH or Anti Mullerian Hormone is a substances produced by granulosa cells.  A granulosa cell or follicular cell is a somatic cell in ovary of female.

Anti- Mullerian Hormone  or AMH is a protein that in humans is encoded by the AMH gene. It is a hormone that inhibits the development of the Müllerian ducts (paramesonephric ducts) in the male embryo.

AMH level as Fertility Test?

We assume AMH blood levels reflect the size of remaining eggs or ovarian reserve. And you know 1 in every 4 couples has been found to be affected by infertility as per WHO!

Features of AMH as a Fertility Test?

  • Earliest and most sensitive marker of Ovarian Reserve
  • Non-cycle dependent- AMH can be measured on any day of the cycle
  • Better Marker for Ovarian reserve- AMH is much more stable and better marker than FSH
  • Earliest marker of Ovarian aging- AMH is earliest marker as AMH levels decline with age

Result Interpretation of AMH Level for Adult Female under 35 Years:

NORMAL 1.5-4.0 NG/ML
LOW 0.5-1.0 NG/ML

Normal Value of AMH in Diffrent Age Group:

Age Group Normal Value
< 33 YEARS   2.1 NG/ML
33-37 YEARS  1.7 NG/ML
38-40 YEARS 1.1 NG/ML
41+ YEARS  0.5 NG/ML

AMH Level Correlation with IVF Success?

1. High AMH levels correlate with low cancellation rates, retrieval of more eggs, higher live birth rates and a high chance for freezing of leftover embryos.
2. Low AMH levels (alone) do not predict low IVF success rates in women under 35
3. Couples should not be excluded from attempting IVF due to low AMH values alone because live birth success rates were reasonable in these cases.

Q1. What is shortcomings of this test?
Answer: This test check the quantity of the substance produce by granulosa cells in ovarian follicles but it did not say anything about quality of eaggs

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